When most people are asked about their favorite cut of Beef, most will say its the ribeye or the filet. If you get an avid smoker, brisket might make the cut. Look, we love all of those cuts, perhaps no one does more than Carter who has champagne taste when it comes to meat.
Our favorite, though, is the simple chuck roast. A well-cooked chuck roast with some root vegetables, and a loaf of fresh baked bread is absolutely sublime. I don't know, perhaps its the snow falling outside the window today that has me craving the smells, tastes and textures of a perfect pot roast...but truth be told, we never don't want that in this house.
What's our secret to a nice moist "fall apart" roast? Pop! Beer or wine work too, but we love to add a can of cola, root beer, or your favorite Dr. Pop. The acid from those drinks does wonders to break down the fiberous meat and leave you with a fall apart chunk of meat that will make your mouth water for days!
Do you have a special way that you make your crock pot beef roasts? Let us know! We'd love to try it out!